MAKO applies modern investment management tools, already successfully used in the world's leading corporations, including some of our clients.
These tools come from a culture of results, fundamental to successful project. On the other hand, these tools are applied according to the project needs and objectives, as well as the level of maturity of the organization.
- CAPEX(Capital Expenditure Plans);
- Master Plans ;
- Project Portfolio Management:
- Manufacturing;
- Process;
- Utilities;
- Logistics and Materials;
- HSEQ(Heath, Safety, Environment and Quality)
- Maintenance;
- R&D(Research & Development);
- Industrial Infra structure.
With clearly defined criteria and premises, these tools are developed and aligned with the customer "business plan", as well as their corporate values (quality, safety, environment, etc).
We build up a set of indicators and "benchmarking" data, to provide a database for the analysis and route correction, when necessary.


• FEP – “Front End Package”(Including technical and financial feasibility and "EVA", Organizational structures and "Headcount", product specifications and quality control, manufacturing and logistics, quality, safety, environment and occupational health, etc.);
• Constructability Analizys;
• PFD´s(“Process Flow Diagrams”) and EFD´s(“Engineering Flow Diagrams);
• HAZOP Analizys(Hazardous Operating Procedures);
• Civil, Mechancial and Electrical Designs;
• Budget and timelines;
• especificações de produto e controle de qualidade, manufatura e logística, Qualidade, Segurança, Meio ambiente e Saúde Ocupacional, etc.);
• Análise de “Constructability”;
• PFD´s(“Process Flow Diagrams”) e EFD´s(“Engineering Flow Diagrams);
• Análises de HAZOP(“Hazardous Operating Procedures”);
• Detalhamento de projetos civis, elétricos, mecânicos e instrumentação;
• Elaboração e análise de orçamentos e cronogramas;



- Projects in BIM Modeling
- Executive Projects, Reports, Memorials, Budgets, Engineering Studies and Consulting;
- Civil: Sheds, Buildings, Structures, Paving, Water Sanitary, Drainage and Dikes;
- Electrical: Diagrams, Power and Control, Lighting, Substations, SEP and SEC, CCTV;
- Mechanics: Manufacturing Plants, Flowcharts or Utilities, Pipe Racks, Platforms, Pipes, Industrial Production Line;
- Instrumentation: P&I, PLC, I/O flowcharts;
- Safety: Fire Fighting, SPDA, Grounding, NR10, NR12, NR13, NR18;

• Suppliers qualification and approval ;
• Bids preparation and issuing;
• Equalization and analysis of technical and commercial proposals for goods and engineering services;
• Support and advisory on hiring, contracting and purchasing of goods and services.


• Engineering & Construction quality control;
• Health, Safety and environment supervision;
• Physical execution and financial Control;
• Consulting and customer support in reporting and indicators.

• Foundations, concrete and steel structures, roofing, painting, etc.;
• Electrical installations for cabling, distribution, low and medium voltage power and Control, substations, electrical panels;
• Pipe Racks and supports, piping distribution, pumping systems and motors, process equipment, platforms, Mixed Structures, etc.;
• Fire-fighting safety systems, SPDA, grounding, lifelines, etc.;
• Adequacy of equipment to NR10, NR12 and NR13;
• "Turn Key" contracts;
• “EPC-Engineering, Procurement and Construction” contracts;
• “Cost-plus-fee” contracts.


- Engineering & Construction quality control;
- Health, Environment and Safety(HSE) supervision;
- Physical and financial evolution supervision and control;
- Issuance of reports and indicators.