MAKO, through its HSE Policy, aims to ensure the commitment that its activities have a high level of protection for the health and safety of its employees, customers, suppliers, and community, as well as for the Environment.

Through the MAKO HSE Program, with its 5 premises and 22 principles, in addition to its respective tools, MAKO will promote healthy working conditions, clarify and train its employees in safe work practices, in addition to promoting information for risk control on site. work, and environmental protection.

All employees, from top management to operations, are responsible for the safety of their colleagues and subordinates, and for protecting the environment in activities over which they have control.

MAKO guarantees the commitment to operate with all documentation and records required by current legislation, as well as carry out the necessary revisions and disseminate the information contained in these documents.

MAKO is committed to always seeking the high standard of excellence in HSE, through continuous improvement, people development, application of best practices, at all levels of the organization.

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